Data is the name given to facts or entities such as names and numbers. e.g. Weight, prices, marks etc.
Information is the data that has been covered into more useful forms.
A database can be defined as a collection of coherent, meaningful data (information) or database is the facts or information placed in an organized form.
The above table shows a single record. The columns-Emp_id, Emp_Name, Age, Salary are the fields or attributes, while the row containing the corresponding the values-1101, Ana, 28, 15000 is a single record. There can be a number of records in a table and number of tables in a database. The tables in a database are related to each other through one/more attributes/fields.
Database is of two types:
1. Manual databases: Databases created by human beings without any support of computer is known as manual databases.
2. Computer based databases: Databases created with the help of computer are known as computer based databases.
Computer based databases are of two types:
A. Tradition files processing system
B. Database approach
What Is DBMS?
It stands for database management system. It is a software system that allows the users to define, create and manipulate database and provides a control to the database.
Components of DBMS:
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Data
4. Procedures
5. Users
Advantages of DBMS:
1. Controlling Redundancy: In file system, each application has its own private files, which can’t be shared between multiple applications. This can often lead to considerable redundancy in the stored data, which results in wastage of storage space. In DBMS by having centralized database this can be avoided.
2. Integrity can be enforced: Integrity of data means that data in database is always accurate, such that inaccurate information cannot be stored in database.
3. Standards can be enforced: Since DBMS is a central system, so standard can be enforced easily may be at company level, department level, national level or international level.
4. Inconsistency can be avoided: When the same data is duplicated and changes are made at one site, which is not propagated to the other site, it gives rise to inconsistency and the two entries regarding the same data will not agree. At such time the data is said to be inconsistent. So if redundancy is removed chances of having inconsistent data is also removed.
5. Data can be shared: DBMS is a centralized system in which data can be shared by multiple applications.
Disadvantages of DBMS:
1. Complexity: The provision of the functionality that is expected of a good DBMS makes the DBMS an extremely complex piece of software.
2. Size: The complexity and breadth of functionality makes the DBMS an extremely large piece of software, occupying many megabytes of disk space and requiring substantial amount of memory to run efficiently.
3. Performance: Performance is slow as compared to file processing system.
4. Higher impact of failure: In DBMS system failure of any component can bring operations to a halt.
5. Cost: Cost of DBMS is very high. It varies significantly, depending on the environment and functionality provided.
Data is the name given to facts or entities such as names and numbers. e.g. Weight, prices, marks etc.
Information is the data that has been covered into more useful forms.
A database can be defined as a collection of coherent, meaningful data (information) or database is the facts or information placed in an organized form.
Without any organization information has no meanings.
A database is an organized collection of data that is useful to us. The data inside in a database can be modified, deleted or new data can be added. They are stored in the form of records as shown in the table below:EMP_ID | EMP_NAME | AGE | SALARY |
1101 | SIMRAN | 21 | 22000 |
The above table shows a single record. The columns-Emp_id, Emp_Name, Age, Salary are the fields or attributes, while the row containing the corresponding the values-1101, Ana, 28, 15000 is a single record. There can be a number of records in a table and number of tables in a database. The tables in a database are related to each other through one/more attributes/fields.
Database is of two types:
1. Manual databases: Databases created by human beings without any support of computer is known as manual databases.
2. Computer based databases: Databases created with the help of computer are known as computer based databases.
Computer based databases are of two types:
A. Tradition files processing system
B. Database approach
What Is DBMS?
It stands for database management system. It is a software system that allows the users to define, create and manipulate database and provides a control to the database.
Components of DBMS:
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Data
4. Procedures
5. Users
Advantages of DBMS:
1. Controlling Redundancy: In file system, each application has its own private files, which can’t be shared between multiple applications. This can often lead to considerable redundancy in the stored data, which results in wastage of storage space. In DBMS by having centralized database this can be avoided.
2. Integrity can be enforced: Integrity of data means that data in database is always accurate, such that inaccurate information cannot be stored in database.
3. Standards can be enforced: Since DBMS is a central system, so standard can be enforced easily may be at company level, department level, national level or international level.
4. Inconsistency can be avoided: When the same data is duplicated and changes are made at one site, which is not propagated to the other site, it gives rise to inconsistency and the two entries regarding the same data will not agree. At such time the data is said to be inconsistent. So if redundancy is removed chances of having inconsistent data is also removed.
5. Data can be shared: DBMS is a centralized system in which data can be shared by multiple applications.
Disadvantages of DBMS:
1. Complexity: The provision of the functionality that is expected of a good DBMS makes the DBMS an extremely complex piece of software.
2. Size: The complexity and breadth of functionality makes the DBMS an extremely large piece of software, occupying many megabytes of disk space and requiring substantial amount of memory to run efficiently.
3. Performance: Performance is slow as compared to file processing system.
4. Higher impact of failure: In DBMS system failure of any component can bring operations to a halt.
5. Cost: Cost of DBMS is very high. It varies significantly, depending on the environment and functionality provided.
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